X3 Max TV Box Review
There are TV boxes out there some of them that never make it to the big stage in terms of major retail stores such as Amazon and other mainstream Chinese retailers. The X3 Max is one such TV box. I stumbled across this model while searching for missing hidden gems that I believe belonged on my channel and after reviewing the specs I believe that it had all the requirements to be a fantastic streaming device. In my review of this model it delivered an excellent movie and TV show streaming experience, 4K video playback, and digital audio surround sound outputs. What was even more amazing is that given it specs of 4 GB/64 GB the box just because $38. So whether demand is low, or this is Clarence the X3 Max is a steal of a deal for $38. Yes the box does have the same drawbacks as most Amlogic S905X3 models but this is something to grab while the price remains in this low.
Available Here – https://wp.me/P7Izmk-23l
![X3 Max in the box X3 Max in the box]()
Hardware Specs:
CPU – Amlogic S905X3 1.9GHz
GPU – Mali G31
Internal Storage – 64GB
Wi-Fi – Dual Band 2.4GHz + 5GHz
Bluetooth – 4.2
IO Ports
1 HDMI 2.1
1 RJ45 Ethernet LAN Port
1 Optical audio port
1 AV Port
1 USB 3.0
1 USB 2.0
1 Micro SD TF
1 Type C
Antutu – 74,480
Geekbench 4 – 787 Single Core | 2138 Multi-core
3D Mark – Ice storm Extreme 5,538 | Slingshot 516
RAM Copy – 3,277 MB/s
Internal Storage – 76 MB/s read | 74 MB/s Write
Wi-Fi – 5GHz 40% 2.4GHz 32% LAN 31%
Amlogic S905X3 CPU 1.9GHz G31 GPU
HDR/Dolby Vision Display
Dolby Atmos/DTS/HD-MA/THX
YouTube in 4K HDR quality
Good Benchmarks
Alternative Launchers/Wallpapers
Stock remote navigate APKs
Casting via Airscreen app
Very good 4K video playback
Gamepad keymapping
Bluetooth works OK
No root switch
No navigation bar/ status bar
Insufficient DRM for Netflix in HD/4K
Lower than usual Wi-Fi and LAN speeds
No screen rotation
Laggy 3D gaming
Limited Play Store needs update
No Dolby True HD format
IR remote
Moderate overheating
Final thoughts
This box is a great TV box given the price point of just $38.
How long will it stay at that price nobody knows. For a 4 GB 64 GB Amlogic S905X3 CPU clocked at 1.90 GHz for just $38 is unheard of. However even though this model is great at the performing its basic core functions, such as streaming movies and TV shows, 4K video playback, and digital surround sound audio, it does have a few drawbacks to take into consideration.
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